hook me up

a custom landing page to get you online


The Quick Fix

The Quick Fix

As quick and reliable as your hangover cure

Just like your hair of the dog, your landing page is made to order. Each section is added and tailored based on exactly what your business need to get your branding and message in front of your future clients. 

A single page website doesn't mean sacrificing value. Easily lead your clients through your sales process with a streamlined experience that will answer all their questions and increase their confidence that you are the perfect fit. 

Your landing page can be made up of a Welcome statement, About Us, Schedule, Memberships, Coaches, Services, a Freebie or CTA,  Photos, FAQ's, Testimonials, a Contact Form and Footer. 

What can be on my Landing Page?

A website experience for the rule breakers.

Add Ons

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investment: starting at $897

Training & Support videos

Domain transfer assistance

Mobile website layout & optimization.

1 week turn around time.

Mini branding with custom font suite, color palette & 1 word mark logo

Strategy Call & Game Plan

A custom Showit landing page tailored to your businesses needs.

whats included

need a little more?

I got you... check out the add ons

Do you use honeybook for a contact form, Toast for your takeout orders or another booking program? I will integrate your software and configure it for both desktop and mobile.

Starting at $97

Software Integration

Don't let you new branding die with an overused link in bio service. Add a custom IG menu to your bio that matches your brandy, website and overall vibe. Send your clients to specific pages and links right from your IG or TikTok. Efficient and aesthetic AF. 


Custom instagram "Link in bio"

Apply now

Attract and connect with your dream clients and customers easily.

Confidently send leads to your new digital home.

Provide streamlined, frequently asked information for clients.

Create trust through an authentic online presence.

you need a website that can...

lets cut the shit

Frequently Asked Questions


Maybe you don't need a full, multi page website just yet. But you have outgrown the word of mouth referrals, social media promoting and third party booking. You need a website, like, yesterday and this is your answer.

Its 2023, We are over the hidden prices, forced phone calls, and sales calls. Transparency sells. 

A landing page will give you the authority and confidence you are looking for. A digital home base you can't wait to send your clients to. You are legit and your brand, social media and website should reflect that. 

How do I know The Quick Fix experience is for me?

What will I need to provide before we start?

Website copy and brand photos are required before starting your project. Before your start date, I will send over an easy outline for the copy you will need to provide for each section on your landing page. 

Please note - If you do not provide these assets by your project start date, you forfeit your spot on the calendar and there is no guarantee when the next opening will be.


Can this be customized for what my business needs?

Of course!! The Single Shot is a completely custom experience. Just because it is a single page doesn't mean it is any less impactful! We build a brand identity so authentic, your dream clients can't help but to feel connected to you from the second they land on your page.

Whether you are a restaurant, coffee shop, food truck, hair stylist, travel blogger or online coach, your branding and landing page will leave your clients feeling like they know exactly who you are.


What is Showit?

Showit is an intuitive and user friendly drag-and-drop website platform that provides total creative freedom over the layout and design of your website. No coding required. You can easily make edits to your site in the future as your prices change or if you want to swap out photos. 

My designs are exclusive to Showit so a subscription is required. If your website is currently hosted on another platform, lets switch it on over!


I need my fix

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