No basic bitches here, we're slingin vibes

Custom Web design

Custom web design

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With a fully custom, multi-page website, we can include everything your growing business needs. Want a shop, photo gallery, restaurant menu, FAQ, favorites, community, events or blog? I got you. 

Together we will create a bold brand and website that will reflect your success,  attract your dream clients, increase your retention rate and streamline your processes. 

Your business is growing and your social media DM,s link tree forms and old DIY or bland first website can't keep up any more. You are ready to scale and can't risk blending in with the other service providers already in the online space. 

its time for your website to catch up

For the business owners who break tradition

were done with copy and paste web design

you refuse to blend in. Why should your website be any different? 

Add Ons

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investment: starting at $2800

"Link in Bio", 404, Policy, Under Construction and Coming Soon pages

Domain transfer assistance

Mobile website layout & optimization.

Primary & Secondary Word Mark Logo and 1 Sub Mark. 

Brand Strategy Questionaire, Zoom Call and Game Plan

Custom Showit website with 6-8+ pages

Email list and marketing integration

Training & Support videos

Custom Font Suite, Color Palette and Brand Kit

whats included

The custom website experience includes one shop page build out. This is for you if you need multiple shop pages, have an established e-commerce store that needs to be moved over, or are launching a program that requires additional sales/shop pages. 

$179 per additional page

Additional Shop Build Out

need a little more?

I got you, check out the add ons

Starting at $297

Blog Pages

Need a blog included in your new site? No problem. The blog add on includes a main blog page, categories page and single post page. Showit blog pages are integrated and hosted on wordpress. Have an existing blog? Showit can migrate all your old blog posts over to your new site. 

this is your sign

Cut through the bullshit and less qualified service providers online

Attract dream clients and customers who are looking for your expertise

Confidently show up online with consistent branding and messaging

Effortlessly convert leads to sales without long drawn out calls and emails

Stand out with authority as an expert in your field

its elyse, your new branding bestie

I am your 100mph, nature exploring, dog hoarding, caffeine drinking, taco eating web designer with never ending dreams.

For years I worked jobs that did not fulfill me and killed myself with endless side hustles until I realized the potential of the online world. Starting this business was the launching point for the chapter of our life we never imagined. 

Now you can find me hanging out in our RV working with views of mountains, in a National Park or in a cute coffee shop we found in our travels. I gotta say, digital nomad life is the tits. I am living my dream, why can't you? 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is showit?

Showit is an intuitive and user friendly drag-and-drop website platform that provides total creative freedom over the layout and design of your website. No coding required. You can easily make edits to your site in the future as your prices change or if you want to swap out photos. 

All custom websites, templates and website in a week sites are designed in showit and can not be used on any other platform. 

But lets be honest, why would you want to use anything else?


Do you have a payment plan?

You bet. Investing into your business is necessary but can be overwhelming. Payments can be split or paid in full at the beginning of the project. Just choose what works for you once you are ready to go!


How long does a custom website take?

A custom website will take 4-6 weeks from the time I receive all of your brand photos and copy!  

Your custom brand identity experience will begin on our determined start date and we will continue on to the full build when I receive the additional pieces outlined above!


How do I know the custom brand and web design experience is for me?

A custom brand identity creates connection through authenticity.

You are in the beginning stages of growth and need a brand that makes you feel seen, felt and understood effortlessly. You have outgrown the DIY branding and are ready for a something that represents where your business is going. 

With such an irresistibly bold presence, your success is undeniable.


Do you only design for women owned businesses?

Not at all! While I do have a lot of experience working with women, I design for a lot of different businesses! 

I have created websites for tattoo artists, photographers, dog groomers, gyms, stores and restaurants.

Want to work with me? Fill out the application!


I need my fix

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