Enter, Template Rehab

welcome to the cure for overwhelm

welcome to the cure for overwhelm

can we talk for a second?

Not everyone needs a fully custom website, a super long turn around time, and a huge price tag. You need a digital home base to send your clients to NOW.

Add Ons

Join the waitlist

investment: starting at $1279

Training & Support videos

Domain transfer assistance

Mobile website layout & optimization.

1 week turn around time.

Mini branding with custom font suite, color palette & 1 word mark logo

Strategy Call & Game Plan

Full customization of a Showit template from the shop

whats included

Love your template but want to add a page or two? Lets add a photo gallery, events page or a password protected members only page. Get that custom feel without the huge price tag of a fully custom site. 

Starting at $97

Additional Pages

need a little more?

I got you, check out the add ons

Starting at $297

Blog Pages

Need a blog included in your new site? No problem. The blog add on includes a main blog page, categories page and single post page. Showit blog pages are integrated and hosted on wordpress. Have an existing blog? Showit can migrate all your old blog posts over to your new site. 

We've got your branding, photos and copy on lock and its time to design! We will have a check in mid week and again before launch. By the end of the day Friday we are ready to celebrate and launch!

step 4: build and launch

We start your week on Monday morning with a coffee fueled strategy sesh. We get to know each other better and go over your branding and all the details you sent over.

step 3: kick off zoom call

Before our week begins you will send over your copy and brand photos. I will send over a questionnaire and some Pinterest homework to get us ready for our first day!

step 2: gather the deets

Head to the shop and choose your favorite template! Note the name of the template in your application. You don't need to purchase the template separately as its included in Template Rehab.

step 1: choose your template

talk about efficiency.

a website in 5 days that you are obsessed with?

Easily update your site with step by step instructions and training videos

Leave your Template Rehab experience with confidence that converts

Skip the stressful DIY and learning curve of a new platform

Get in front of potential customers and clients in 1 week 

join the waitlist

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I really need branding, copy and brand photos?

Branding, copy and photos are not required but STRONGLY recommended. At the end of the week I want to hand over a fully custom and complete website. Filler content is no fun! 


Mini branding is included in this package, so don't stress! Together we develop a strategy to create a brand that can't be ignored. Through a detailed zoom session, we build a brand identity so authentic, your dream clients can't help but to feel connected to you from the second they land on your website.

What if I need to make edits to my site?

Your new site is hosted on Showit - an intuitive, user friendly,  easy to navigate platform. Want to swap photos out, change your services or update prices? Easy. Just log in to your Showit account and use the drag and drop function to customize all elements.  

Dont forget, your off boarding process also includes training videos and documents explaining how to make any edits to your site!


Can I customize my own site?

Absolutely! If you want to DIY, head over to the template shop, grab your favorite,  and follow the instructions on how to upload it to your Showit account. After that it's all you! Add your assets and start customizing!

Make sure to send over the link once you are finished, I would love to see what you created!


How do I know Template Rehab is right for my business?

You might be a new business ready to launch, or in the beginning stages of growth. You don't have weeks to wait for a full build and are ready to get online with authority. As a business owner who already does it all you don't have time to learn a new platform and DIY a website.

Template Rehab is the level up your business needs to attract your dream clients effortlessly. I will add some Elyse flair to your template customization and give you your missing piece. 


I need my fix

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